Looking after others

If you care for a family member or friend, you can find advice, support and services to help support you and the person you care for.

Carers Assessments

Do you need help looking after a partner, relative or friend? We want you to get the support you need to make your life easier as a carer.

Getting a carer’s assessment could be the first step to gaining vital support. This is your chance to have a conversation with Adult Social Services to talk about the help you need. The assessment will look at the support you currently get and whether other services could be of use. You will also be offered advice on any benefits you’re entitled to and any other sources of help.

A carer’s assessment is free and anyone over 18 can ask for one. If you would like to have an assessment, call Adult Social services on 029 2023 4234.

woman looking after man
An older couple smiling at each other doing a jigsaw.

Carers Wales

When you’re caring, getting the right information at the right time can make all the difference.

Carers Wales is the leading national charity dedicated to making life better for unpaid carers. Carers are at the heart of their work, shaping their campaigns, helping get carers’ message across through the media and taking action to bring about change locally and nationally.

Carers Wales provide information and advice on a range of topics including:

  • benefits and financial support
  • your rights as a carer in the workplace
  • carers’ assessments and how to get support in your caring role
  • services available to carers and the people you care for
  • how to complain effectively and challenge decisions.

They also provide free online activities to support your wellbeing, help you take a break and connect with other carers.

If you have a question about caring or just need more support, the Carers Wales Helpline is available on 0808 808 7777 from Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm, or you can email advice@carersuk.org.

The Herbert Protocol

The Herbert Protocol

When a person goes missing, it is very distressing for family and friends and can be even more worrying when the missing person has dementia.

The Herbert Protocol is a form that carers, family members or friends can fill in to help the police in their search for people with dementia who go missing. Having this information ready to provide can save worry and time. The form contains a list of information to help the police, including:

  • medication required
  • mobile numbers
  • places previously located
  • a recent photograph

The police only need the form at the point the person is reported missing. However, you can email a copy to herbertprotocol@south-wales.police.uk if you wish South Wales Police to keep a digital copy of the form on file.

If the person you care for goes missing, conduct a brief ‘open door’ search of the address, grounds and outbuildings, to see if you can find them. If they’re still missing, call 999 immediately and tell the police you have the Herbert Protocol profile available.

For more information, visit South Wales Police website or you can download the form.

Care’Diff Newsletter

Care’Diff News is a quarterly newsletter letting you know about news, events and useful information to make your life easier as a carer. We know what an important job you do looking after your family members or friends and realise that this can be challenging. Hopefully you will find this newsletter helpful. If there is anything that you think would be good to focus on or feature, please let us know.

Care’Diff News is available via post or email. If you would like to be included on the newsletter mailing list, please contact carediff@cardiff.gov.uk and we will make sure you get the new editions as they are published.

You can also follow us on social media for the latest news, activities and useful information.

Care’Diff Support Groups

This is your chance to speak to us and others who have experience of caring. Drop in for as long as you want and feel free to bring the person you look after. Come and have a cup of tea, have access to fun activities, and take a break.

Powerhouse Hub

First Wednesday of the month – 2pm to 3:30pm.

Ely and Caerau Hub

Second Friday of the month – 1pm to 2:30pm.

Rhiwbina Hub

Third Wednesday of the month – 2pm to 3:30pm.


Last Monday of the month – 2pm to 3:30pm.

Cardiff and Vale Regional Partnership Board logo

Cardiff and Vale Regional Partnership Board- Charter

The Cardiff and Vale Regional Partnership Board is made up of the health board, local authorities and third sector organisations working together to provide health services, care and support that meets the needs of people who live in Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan. They want to make sure you get the right support, at the right time, in the right place.

After listening to the experiences of unpaid carers and the people they care for, the board have launched the Unpaid Carers Charter to help people in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan understand if they, or someone they know, might be an unpaid carer. The Charter also pledges the commitment of partners across the region and outlines how they will support you if you care for someone.

If you need support, call the Care Collective on 029 2192 1024 or email gateway@thecarecollective.wales.

Free Events for Carers

There are some great opportunities to get out and about to a range of events in Cardiff, meet some like-minded people and have some fun!


Solace Carers Group at ASDA Cardiff Bay

Every Monday – 2pm to 4pm.

Come and enjoy a range of activities to suit all abilities, including quizzes and crafts.

Open to carers that support a friend or relative aged 65 and over with a diagnosis of dementia or memory difficulty or any other mental health illness.


SOLACE Drop-in Group at V21 Sbectrwm Centre, Fairwater

Drop-in Group is for people living in Cardiff that support a friend or relative with a diagnosis of dementia or memory difficulty.

Come and enjoy a range of activities to suit all abilities, including quizzes and crafts.

Every Tuesday from 1:30pm to 3:30pm.


Cardiff Choir for Carers – Tuneful Tuesdays at Ely and Caerau Hub

Ready for some time out to tune in?

Come and meet others for a bit of Tai Chi, followed by a chance to sing your heart out!

Every Tuesday from 11am to 1pm.

11am to 11:45am – Tai Chi.

12pm to 1pm – Choir.


ACE Carers Club at CAER Heritage Centre

Carers Club is a drop-in coffee morning for anyone looking after a family member or friend.

Why not come along to Carers Club where a cuppa and biscuits or cake will be waiting for you!

Every Tuesday from 10am to 11:30am.


Soundworks at St David’s Hall

Soundworks are free, regular, term-time music-making sessions for adults with learning disabilities or autism and those who look after them.

Every Tuesday from 11am to 12:30pm.

New members are always welcome, just get in touch with Soundworks by email a2@artsactive.org.uk or call 029 2087 8572.


Wellbeing Café at Canton Library

Last Tuesday of the month – 2:30pm to 3:30pm.

Come and join us for a cuppa and a chat and boost your wellbeing. Meet new people and make new friends!

For people living with dementia and their carers, as well as anybody else who would like to join us.

For more events at community Hubs and libraries please visit the Hubs website.


Alzheimers Society Peer Support Group (Virtual)

The support group is for any person who is caring for someone living with dementia, either in their own home or in a residential setting.

Second Tuesday of the month from 3:45pm to 5pm.

If you would like to join the Zoom meeting call, contact Jacky Ayres on 07484 089 481 or email jacqueline.ayres@alzheimers.org.uk.


Home Instead Memory Café at Ararat Baptist Church, Whitchurch

Memory Café is a free session for those living with dementia, families and anyone looking after them.

Come along and enjoy some fun activities and get to meet new friends.

First Wednesday of the month from 11:15am to 12:45pm.

If you would like to join, please contact Chrissy by email christine.darby@homeinstead.co.uk or call 029 2056 9483.


Tai Chi with Jeanette at STAR Hub

Every Friday – 11am to 1pm.

Tai Chi is a series of movements that can improve both physical and mental balance, increase strength, flexibility and coordination. And it’s fun!

11am – 15 minute warm up

11:15am to 11:40am – Tai Chi level 1

12:30pm to 1pm – Tai Chi level 2 (for those who feel confident to move on from level 1).

woman carrying out training

Cardiff Social Care Training and Development

Do you help care for someone living in the Cardiff community – a family member, neighbour or friend?

Are there any subject areas or tasks that you undertake in your caring role in that you would like further training, information, advice or support?

Did you know that you can access Cardiff Council’s Social Care learning and development opportunities?

There are many learning opportunities on offer, including:

  • information on the stages of caring
  • specialist resources on topics such as dementia
  • infection prevention
  • manual handling
  • first aid
  • medication administration
  • continence care
  • end of life care and many more.


There are a mixture of ways you can learn with the Cardiff Social Care Training and Development Team, such as:

  • workbooks
  • eLearning
  • face to face
  • virtual classroom (live training on your computer).

View the training and development calendar.

To gain access to eLearning, workbooks and further learning resources please call 029 2087 1111 or email scwdp@cardiff.gov.uk.

Man fishing

Short Breaks (Respite)

We know what an important job you do looking after your family members or friends and realise that this can be challenging. Taking a break can give you time to relax, look after yourself and do the things you enjoy.

There are many ways to take a break. You might need an hour each week, a day here and there, a week or two for a holiday, or a combination of all of these. You may have family and friends who are able to help, but there are other options to give you a break including:

  • Care at home- getting a paid carer or volunteer to come into your home.
  • Residential or nursing care- the person you support can have a short stay in a care home.
  • Day care- the person you support can go to a day centre or community setting or take part in activities away from home.
  • Holidays- help and support for when you want to go on holiday by yourself or with the person you look after.
  • Shared Lives Scheme- if the person you support would rather live in a family home, they can stay in a Shared Lives Carer’s home and get all the help they need.
  • Direct Payments – using cash payments from social services to arrange care for your loved one.

To talk about what options may be available to you, contact Adult Social Services on 029 2023 4234.